The Artistic Movement Beyond Northeast Z

by Chen Xi

First and foremost, as seekers of texture and form, when different generations of young creators become a phenomenon or force, they are often categorized, typified, or stylized, defining the relationship or differences between new generations and the past, or even labeled as a new group. The “Bei Yi Style” that emerged in the late 2000s illustrates how flat painting reflects its posture within the contemporary art context and the industry chain (academy—gallery—awards—museum). Thus, the “Northeast Z Style” exhibition featuring creators of Generation Z like Jiang Dongyu, Wu Bo-wei, Li Bing-li, Li Yuan-zao, Huang Shao-wei, and Suzuki Yuri, shows no superficial similarities, yet all explore texture and form to shape their unique creative views.

“Northeast Z Style” is not an exhibition that groups these six Generation Z creators within a stylized or typified framework. On the contrary, this exhibition positively defines the young generation without confining them to such frameworks. We can also see their ability to stand on their own without the need for group identity, evident from elements of their academy training.

The pursuit of texture is one characteristic that makes many artists from the Bei Yi University of Arts recognizable early in their careers. Training in foundational modeling, abstract sketching, and texture exercises, along with the unique community within the academy, are components that help art students from Bei Yi University of Arts shape their methods of creation. These young artists are often first identified as creators focused on texture and form, and only then as painters or artists expressing thoughts through their unique creative languages.






與前二者相比,黃少葳繪畫更近似於以一種淡化紀實影像的質感,描繪日常生活。她在畫布上擦抹、交疊輪廓線並讓形象留空,筆觸的均質與和諧色彩,使畫面中的形象與觀者之間像是隔了一層紗。景物被淡化之後,它如何瀰漫於運筆之間,是黃少葳繪畫裡引人尋思之處。《房間》以固定的幾種低彩度與高明度的暖色,描繪和諧而平淡的私密空間,恬靜地像是被薩提(Eric Satie)的環境音樂(Ambiemce Music)所環繞著。










The artists of the “Z Trend form Northeast” act as explorers of texture. Despite their seemingly abstract visuals, they do not truly dwell on the traditional debates between abstraction and realism, nor do they engage in (post)modernist challenges, rejections, and subversions of the past. The frameworks of modernism, divided between abstraction and realism, fail to satisfy contemporary creators’ abilities to respond to reality and express narratives. Observing from the perspective of texture creation and methodology is intended to expand the discourse of painting in contemporary contexts. Whether it’s crafting tangible textures, mimicking expressive textures, or depicting imagined virtual textures, their two-dimensional creations gain a thought-provoking depth—before shaping a creative language, they create a texture that responds to the environment. This is not necessarily reflexive and sometimes even involves a dialogue with form.


參展藝術家 |

江東諭 Tung-Yu Chiang
吳柏葳 Pu-Wei Wu

李秉璈 Bing-Ao Li
李緣藻 Nicole Lee

黃少葳 Shao-Wei Huang
鈴木百合 Yuri Suzuki

展期 | 2022/12/03(六)~2023/01/07(六) 週二~週六 10:00-19:00
開幕茶會 | 2022/12/03(六) 15:00-17:00
展覽地點 | 弎畫廊 700017 台南市忠義路二段186號 t: 06-2208833