


2001年,學士,加州州立大學富爾頓分校美術系(California State University Fullerton ),加州,美國



  • 2022 「前三三.後三三」,弎畫廊開幕首展,弎畫廊,台南,台灣
  • 2021 「Focus Art Fair – Colour of Life」,Saatchi Gallery,倫敦,英國
  • 2020 「叁十而儷」,臻品藝術中心,台中,台灣
  • 2019 「Type‧態」,臻品藝術中心,台中,台灣
  • 2018
              「一個想去的地方 II」,樸石藝術,台中,台灣
  • 2017
              「Young Art Taipei 2017」,喜來登飯店,台北,台灣
  • 2016
              「Stand Out Prints 2016Highpoint Center for Printmaking , Minneapolis,
              MN, USA
              「Young Art Taipei 2016」,喜來登飯店,台北,台灣
  • 2015
              「Young Art Taipei 2015」,喜來登飯店,台北,台灣
              「IT PARK Limited Editions 2014伊通公園限量版」,伊通公園,台北,台灣
  • 2014
  • 2013
              「Contemporary Prints from Central TaiwanHighpoint Center for
              Printmaking,Minneapolis, MN, USA
              「PLAY.慢活」 Jessica X Max 版畫雙人展,雷展室,台中,台灣
  • 2012


  • 2018     107年全國美術展 水墨類入選
  • 2016
                  Stand Out Prints 2016-Highpoint’s International Juried Exhibition入選
                  105年全國美術展 版畫類銅牌獎
  • 2015
                  104年全國美術展 版畫類
                  第62屆中部美展 版畫類銅牌獎
  • 2014
                  103年全國美術展 版畫類入選
                  第61屆中部美展 版畫類首獎
  • 2013
                 第60屆中部美展 版畫類首獎
  • 2012
                 101年全國美術展 版畫類入選
                 第17屆大墩美展 版畫類優選


  • 2017     國立台灣美術館青年典藏 台中 台灣
  • 2015
                  國立台灣美術館 台中 台灣
                  高雄市立美術館 高雄 台灣
                  澳洲白兔美術館 雪梨 澳洲
                  台新藝術基金會 台北 台灣
                  毓繡美術館 南投 台灣
  • 2014
                  行政院文化部藝術銀行 台北 台灣
                  紀慧能基金會 台中 台灣
                  國立台灣美術館 台中 台灣
                  豐境建設 台中 台灣
  • 2013     國立台灣美術館 台中 台灣
  • 2012     國立台灣美術館 台中 台灣


1978 Born in Taipei, Taiwan

2001 California State University, Bachelor of Fine Arts


Selected Group Exhibitions

  • 2022     Between Before and After, SAN GALLERY first exhibition, SAN GALLERY,
                  Taiwan, Tainan
  • 2021
                  Focus Art Fair – Colour of Life, Saatchi Gallery, London, England
                  Formosa Art Fair 2021, Eslite-Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan
                  Art Taichung 2021, Millennium Hotels and Resorts, Taichung, Taiwan
  • 2020     Galerie Pierre 30years Anniversary Group Exhibihition , Galerie
                  Pierre, Taichung, Taiwan
  • 2019     Type‧態 , Galerie Pierre, Taichung, Taiwan
  • 2018     Narrative Poems, The 201 Art, Taichung, Taiwan
                  Art Taichung 2018, Millennium Hotels and Resorts, Taichung, Taiwan
                  A Place We Want to Go Part II, Cornerstone Art Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
                  National Art Exhibition 2018, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts,
                  Taichung, Taiwan
  • 2017     Young Art Taipei 2017, Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 2016
                  Stand Out Prints 2016, Highpoint Center for Printmaking, Minneapolis,
                  MN, USA
                  National Art Exhibition 2016, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts,
                  Taichung, Taiwan
                  Young Art Taipei 2016, Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan
                  Preferred Selection, The 63th Arts Exhibition of Taiwan Central, Taichung,
  • 2015
                  Young Art Taipei 2015, Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan
                  National Art Exhibition 2015, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts,
                  Taichung, Taiwan
                  Art Taichung 2015, Millennium Hotels and Resorts, Taichung, Taiwan
                  IT PARK Limited Editions 2014, IT Park, Taipei, Taiwan
                  The 30th New Year Prints of R.O.C., National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts,
                  Taichung, Taiwan
  • 2014     Asian Art‧Breakthrough, Yami Art Space, Taichung, Taiwan
  • 2013     Contemporary Prints from Central Taiwan, Highpoint Center for
                  Printmaking, Minneapolis, MN, USA
  • 2012     Selected Artist, the 17th Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition, Da Dun Gallery in
                  Taichung City Cultural Center, Taichung, Taiwan

Selected Awards

  • 2018     Selected Artist in Chinese Ink Painting Selection, National Art Exhibition
                  Competition 2018, Taichung, Taiwan
  • 2016     Selected Artist, Stand Out Prints 2016-Highpoint’s International Juried
                  Exhibition, Minneapolis, USA
                  3rd placed in printmaking selection, National Art Exhibition Competition
                  2016, Taichung, Taiwan
  • 2015     Preferred Selection, The 31th New Year Prints R.O.C. Exhibition
                  Competition, Taichung, Taiwan


  • 2017   
                  Entertainment World 3014/3015, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts,
                  Taichung, Taiwan
                  The Prosperous Goat Year, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts,
                  Taichung, Taiwan
  • 2015     Memories of Toscana, White Rabbit Gallery, Sydney, Australia
  • 2014
                  Timeless Memories #1B, Art Bank Taiwan, Taichung, Taiwan
                  Timeless Memories #1A, Formgem Construction LTD., Taichung, Taiwan
  • 2013     The Harmonious Four, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung,
  • 2012     The Return of Prosperity, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung,


  • Ye Lin, (2019, January 04), “Painting in Contemporary Society Shuntian Art-The Poetry of Narration”, Art Emperor  https://artemperor.tw/focus/2477
  • Coupland, Douglas: “Why I Love This Artwork”, Canadian Art Magazine, vol. 12, February 2011, p. 55-60
  • If your work appeared on the cover of a publication, you can format your information like this:
  • Canadian Art Magazine, Cover, vol. 12, February 2011
  • If writing about your artwork or your artwork itself appears in a book, the formatting should read:
  • Schwabsky, Barry (Compiler), Vitamin P: New Perspectives in Painting, Phiadon Press 2004, p. 78
  • For further information and other examples of MLA format, there any many resources online. As an example, here is SFU’s citation guide for MLA style.



