Yuvia Ye

Yuvia Ye

2002 Born in Taichung, currently living and creating in Taichung
2017-2020 Department of Nursing, National Taichung University of Science and Technology
2021-Present Department of Fine Arts, Tunghai University

Hui-Hsuan Hsu

Hui-Hsuan Hsu

Hui-Hsuan Hsu  Hui-Hsuan Hsu transforms often overlooked objects and phenomena into digital art. She uses digital techniques to compensate for the limitations of human senses, turning digital devices into a bridge between the artist, the subject, and the...

Chiao-Ling Po

Chiao-Ling Po

Po Chiao-Ling

National Taiwan University of Arts, Institute of Calligraphy and Painting Art

Solo Exhibitions
“Narratives in Calligraphy – Bo Qiao-Ling Calligraphy Exhibition,” Legislative Yuan, Taipei
“Partings,” Soka Taipei, Taipei
2021 “Do You Know?”, Soka Tainan, Tainan
2015 “Too Beautiful – Bo Qiao-Ling Seal and Calligraphy Exhibition,” Hui Feng Gallery, Taipei
2014 “Solely Worn – Bo Qiao-Ling Seal and Calligraphy Exhibition,” National Taiwan University of Arts, New Taipei

Yong-xin Hong

Yong-xin Hong

Born in 1993 in Yonghe.


2015 Bachelor’s Degree in Traditional Chinese Painting, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei
– 2021 Graduate Institute of Calligraphy and Painting Arts, National Taiwan University of Arts, New Taipei

Solo Exhibitions

– 2023 Fur, Poppy, Acorns, One Vote Art Space, Taipei
– 2022 Prey and Pets, One Vote Art Space, Taipei
– 2019 The Projector of All Things, One Vote Art Space, Taipei
– 2017 The Universe of Tiny Things, One Vote Art Space, Taipei

Takming Chuang

Takming Chuang

Before and After_ Ink, Medical Fiber Paper_ 46 x 37 cm_ 2023 Nine Images_ Ink and Medical Fiber Paper_ 53 x 46 cm_ 2022  Turning Corner_Ink, Medical Fiber Paper_23 x 28 cm_2023  3 images_ink, medical fiber paper_45.5 x 43 cm_2023  Shelving_Complete_Metal Rack, Ink,...

Yung-hsu Hsu

Yung-hsu Hsu

Yung-hsu Hsu 1955Born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan Education 2003 – 2007MFA, Candidate of Ceramic Art, Graduate Institute of Applied Arts, Tainan National University of the Arts, Taiwan1971 – 1976National Pingtung Teachers College, Taiwan Teaching 2007 – 2013Adjunct...

Zunglung Tsai

Zunglung Tsai

2012: Taiwan Fellowship Program of the Asian Cultural Council, Residency at Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park, Japan

1st Place, 2010 Miaoli Ceramics Award
National Culture and Arts Foundation Creation Grant (2009-2)
2009: National Culture and Arts Foundation Exhibition Grant (2009-1)
2008: Bronze Award, 2008 Taiwan Ceramics Biennale
2005: National Culture and Arts Foundation Creation Grant (2005-2)

Yong-Ning Tzeng

Yong-Ning Tzeng

Yong-Ning Tzeng, Lofty 49, Ballpoint Pen, Ink, Acrylic, Paper, 107x75 cm, 2023Yong-Ning Tzeng_Spring Splendor_Ballpoint Pen, Ink, Acrylic on Paper_107x75cm_2023 曾雍甯 Yong-Ning TzengBiography Born in 1978, Lukang, Taiwan. Education 2010: Graduated from the National...